Overall I like this app. The big weakness is that the mood tracker only lets you do one mood per day. Also, some of the journal questions come across as cheesy or annoying or just unhelpful. However, other ones are direct and helpful, and Ive already created a couple templates of my own that I think will be useful.
I like the thought checker: its brief and convenient but also to the point. I like having the long list of suggested feelings and the option to pick more than one, and its more convenient to have a list of distortions there rather than pulling out a piece of paper and having to go by memory when on the run. I also appreciate that theres an option to say theres no distortion but still a better way of looking at things. Ive only looked at a couple of the activities but the apparent variety is impassive. And again, the convenience factor is amazing.
Flamingjellyfish about MoodKit